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Dedicated to sustainability and food safety.
The Leadership Team
The Xibus team is committed to advancing sustainability, improving public health, and assuring safe food supply. We are a group of scientists, engineers, and business people with many decades of experience developing and commercializing nanomaterials, biomolecular systems, instrumentation, microbiology, and food sciences.

Matthias Oberli, PhD
Vice President & Chief Technology Officer
Extensive development experience in nanotechnology, biomaterials, and polymers at Sigilon Therapeutics and postdoc at MIT with Bob Langer and Steve Buchwald. PhD from ETH Zürich with a focus on antibody-bacteria interactions with Peter Seeberger. Passionate about team building.

Technical Advisors & Collaborators
Tim Swager
Founder of Xibus
John D. MacArthur Professor of Chemistry at MIT and the Faculty Director of the Deshpande Center for Technological Innovation. More than 350 published peer-reviewed papers and more than 50 issued/pending patents. Founder of four additional companies DyNuPol, Iptyx, PolyJoule, and C2Sense

Mathias Kolle
Hadley Sikes
Darren Higgins
Peter Seeberger
Assistant Professor of
Mechanical Engineering
at MIT
Assistant Professor of
Chemical Engineering
at MIT
Professor of Microbiology and Immunobiology at Harvard Medical School
Director at the Max-Plank Institute for Colloids and Interfaces in Potsdam
Our partners & investors

About Us
Xibus Systems is a venture-backed biotechnology startup company located in the Boston metropolitan area. The core technologies consist of exclusively licensed (MIT) engineered bio-molecules conjugated to company develop super fluorescent beads, custom growth media, and AI-based analytical software. Xibus has combined these technologies into a system that provides unprecedented speed and accuracy in the detection of pathogenic bacteria in foods and beverages.
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